May 24, 2023
When asked to provide a quote describing his high school experience, Sunil’s face lit up with excitement as he eagerly opened the notes app on his phone to reveal a seemingly endless thread of quotes saved over—one can only imagine—years. The quote, “When you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice,” perfectly encompasses Sunil’s driving ambition and how, he feels, North’s competitive environment and excellent teachers have helped him to succeed. However, he feels most at home in the choir room, describing his time in the class as “an integral part of my high school experience.” He would also like to shout out Mr. Aumann, the choir director, for making that experience truly memorable—for making the choir room feel like home. “I’m the Choir Dad, so I’m in charge of running things… Natalie Sheridan is the choir Mom; she does literally everything, I am just there when she needs help.” Appointed by former Choir Dad, Zachary Munson, Sunil’s job within choir is to run things behind the scenes and especially “help Mr. Aumann create a community within North Choir.” He and Natalie run warm-ups, last-minute song rehearsals, and organize annual choir parties. However, their pre-concert traditions are a party in itself! “We have a dance battle, we have a rap battle, we go into the bathroom and sing the Halo theme…We scream, we dance, we sing, we just do a ton of fun stuff together and it is something I am going to miss for sure.” Outside of the choir room, Sunil is a part of Interact club, Stand Up, tennis, and is a Link Crew Commissioner. He describes Stand Up—a social justice club advocating for healthy manhood and the prevention of domestic abuse/sexual abuse situations—as “a ton of people passionate about making a change in the world.” Sunil lives by this—follow your interests when getting involved rather than doing something just to do it. “Getting involved and finding out what you’re passionate about—it’s a really nice feeling.” Getting involved in clubs and activities has also helped Sunil grow skills that he can take with him to UW Milwaukee next year, like “become[ing] more confident” and “manag[ing] your time [better].” He is currently undecided but considering a major in Business or Data Science. When asked about his role model during high school, he immediately replied “my brother.” “Watching him develop his independence [in college] also helped me to develop my independence in high school.” Because his brother was starting college while he was starting high school, Sunil thought more about his future after high school and how he wanted to live it. “Seeing that first hand, that transition from high school to college allowed me to create mindsets and ideas that could help me throughout my high school career and improve my chances at succeeding at college.” Now, as Sunil is signing off his high school career and transitioning to college, he is excited for the fresh wave of independence this opportunity provides. “[I] want to see what kind of person I can be, and taking that step of living on my own is taking that step toward achieving who I want to be.”