How did you get into teaching Spanish? Sra. Lauber de Garza knew she wanted to teach something and was passionate about music, Spanish, and math. She obtained two degrees in Spanish and math at Lawrence University, yet decided to take more voice lessons instead of continuing in Calc BC. “I thought it would be easier to do music on the side with all my “free time” teaching.” Because she was already overloaded with her classes, Sra. Lauber de Garza dropped math and continued with Spanish and music, specifically voice lessons and choir. Where did you teach previously? Up until three years ago, Sra. Lauber de Garza taught in the Milwaukee area at Kewaskum High School, Brookfield East High School, Franklin High School, and Homestead High School. She most recently taught at Classical School, Appleton West, and KA before coming to North. What are some similarities and differences between North and your previous schools? According to Sra. Lauber de Garza, North is similar to the Milwaukee schools in terms of classes offered and family support. She likes her creative freedom here in her teaching method, which she did not have at a school like Classical. She enjoys the atmosphere where students are willing to try new things and lead with their best foot forward to improve their Spanish. What is your favorite grade to teach? Sra Lauber de Garza stated, “It isn’t so much the grade, but has way more to do with the mentality of students.” She thoroughly enjoys teaching students “willing to make progress and who like to have fun in class.” While teaching freshmen can be exhausting, they are just learning how to act like adults and learning how to handle a high school schedule. Sophomores don’t always put in as much effort because they’ve figured out the whole high school thing. Juniors are stressed, and seniors are relaxed, so your mindset changes as you go along. Her favorite thing in the world is when students finally realize their full potential, and she likes to be the one to get them there. Fun facts? Maestra wears toe socks on a regular basis because she likes the comfort. Whenever choosing a snack or meal, her favorite would be finger foods. She has quite the sweet tooth, but not so much for chocolate or ice cream; her favorite candy is chewy runts, especially when infused with Sprite. 🙂 Because those are hard to find, her second go-to would have to be chile skittles. In any free time she has, she teaches Latin dance, ballet, and gymnastics. While sleep should be a priority, Maestra prefers to go out dancing, as that is her favorite pastime. Her favorite colors are chocolate brown, cream, mustard yellow, and turquoise. Maestra Lauber de Garza is an excellent teacher. She has a great work ethic and a passion for helping students achieve their goals. She adds character to the school and greatly benefits the North Spanish program. We are so lucky to have her!
Meet Sra. Lauber de Garza (Maestra)
Maddie Loken, Contributor
October 16, 2024

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