We invite artists whose music we play to record an “Artist ID” to promote their band, social media, website, etc. Noctiluca Livewire is always looking for artists from Wisconsin to promote and play on our station! If you or someone you know is part of a band and wants to increase their music portfolio, be played over the air, and spread the word about your group, please get in touch with Noctiluca’s Radio Coordinator—[email protected] for more info! Below are some bands Noctiluca Livewire works with!
Boris the Sprinkler [Green Bay]
Clementine [Milwaukee]
Depo-Provera [Green Bay]
Disasterland [Fond Du Lac]
Get Rad [Milwaukee]
Grim Waters [Appleton]
Ifdakar [Appleton]
Keith Daniel’s Psycho Swamp Stomp Band [Green Bay]
Kyle Knoke [Waupaca]
Moral Disgust [Oshkosh]
Party of Clowns [Waupaca]
Rebel Waltz [Oshkosh]
Ray Maas [Appleton]
Rat Bath [Mailwaukee]
Smart Shoppers [Green Bay]
Strategic [Appleton]
Suburban Mutilation [Green Bay]
The Jerry Sprynger Band [Oshkosh]
The Onions [Manitowoc]
The Present Age [Oshkosh]
The Stinkeyes [Milwaukee]