Announcements for Thursday Dec. 10
December 10, 2015
Anyone interested in playing soccer this year that would like to participate in the indoor league starting in January. Please sign up to be a part of the team. The sign up is located in the school store and it is due December 10th.
Entries for the Martin Luther King writing contest are due on Dec. 21. Need more information, stop in the LMC.
Yearbook Grad Ads: If your parents would like to congratulate you on your accomplishments & your graduation, yearbook grad ads can be purchased online. New this year, families can create their own ad and pay ONLINE. All the information needed can be found on the North website. There are a limited number of spaces so don’t let your parents wait until it’s too late! No orders can be placed after January 15th.
Yearbook: Have you purchased your 1015-16 North yearbook yet? If you decided NOT to purchase one during summer registration or wanted to wait, the FINAL deadline to purchase is December 22. The cost is $47 and payments can be made in the main office. Do NOT rely on extra yearbooks being available in May.
East High School is hosting a Star Wars Trivia contest on December 12, 2015 from 2:00-5:00 P.M. Teams can be made of 1-4 players. $5 per person entry fee. Registration begins at 1:30. Also includes: Costume Contest, Chewbacca Sound-alike Contest and a Star Wars Photo booth. Please contact Ms. McAloon at East with questions!
Anyone interested in working Tech for North’s upcoming musical THE LITTLE MERMAID should pick up a form located on the Green Room door before winter break. Help is needed in the areas of scenic construction, costumes, lights, set painting, sound, and props. Fill out the form and return it to the envelope on the Green Room door. Tech work will begin in early January.
Red Cross Club: Has the thought of volunteering ever CROSSED your mind? Then you should join us for Red Cross Club next week Friday, December 18th. We’re going to have an introductory meeting in Mrs. River’s I/E room 1087. Be sure to schedule into the meeting to learn more about how you can help great causes and people within our community.
Aramark New Burgers: Cold outside? Warm up inside with one of our new burgers in our school Café. Now through the eighteenth, fight the cold with our special new Pomodoro Burger (‘Pomodoro’ is Italian for ‘tomato’). Or try the zany new Nacho Ordinary Burger, with jalapeno nacho cheese and salsa. They won’t last long, so give them a try today. Fuel up with lunch!
The Dec. 12 Brule Ski trip has been cancelled due to lack of snow. Refunds will be made as soon as possible. See Mrs. Paula Meyer with any questions.
Are you interested in being part of the girls’ distance program in Track this spring? A brief informational meeting will be held with Coach Howard on Friday, December 18th in the Lightning Room during IE period. Please sign up in homeroom this Monday, December 14th to attend this meeting on Friday, December 18th. All abilities and grade levels are encouraged to attend this Girls’ track distance meeting.
Appleton Legion Baseball will be having player signups on Wednesday December 16th from 5:30-8:00 pm at Post 38. Any interested player should stop out.
Attention students! For those who like to travel, and who doesn’t, consider taking a trip to London and Dublin in June of 2017. Join Mrs. Frisch and your classmates on a 2017 summer trip to London and Dublin. To find out more about this adventure, grab a parent or guardian and attend an informational meeting on
Tuesday, December 15
at 6:30 pm in room 2344 (Mrs. Frisch’s room).
Questions? Talk to one of your ELA teachers or stop by 2344 and speak to Mrs. Frisch
This trip is bound to fill up fast, so be sure to make the meeting if you are interested!
Dec. 9
Chicken Pot Pie
Taco Cheeseburger
Meat Lovers, Cheese, Pepperoni, Sausage Pizza