Borealis still wants your creative work for its spring publication

Sydney Pomrening, Contributor

Appleton North’s annual literary magazine, Borealis, is accepting visual art and creative writing pieces through the rest of April for its publication in late May.

Whether it’s poetry, short stories, narrative essays, paintings, sketches, or photography, it’s eligible for submission. If it’s a brand new creation or an art or writing assignment that you completed for a class, it’s eligible for submission. Up to five creative pieces are allowed to be submitted if you’re having trouble deciding.

The Google Classroom code is tdddlbu where you’ll be able to fill out the submission form and turn in your attachments.  Please read the guidelines on the form, found on the posted assignment, in Classroom before you turn in anything. If you need something to heighten your college application or need to get an irritating relative off of your back about your accomplishments, being published in any type of media, like Borealis, will do the trick.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact either of the two lead editors: Sydney Pomrening at or Skye Iwanski at


We look forward to seeing how your creative work transforms the magazine!