Cheers and Jeers Week of 2/5/18

Sarah E. Fleming, Online Editor


It is a winter wonderland outside, which to me is a good thing because if it’s going to be this cold I want something to show for it.

eSchool is great because it forces me to pay attention to what I’m actually learning. eSchool is even better when you’re taking some course just for fun!

Spree is coming up soon, so get your dresses and suits ready!


There are no grades in InfiniteCampus because of the new semester. Come on teachers, I just want to know what my grade is!

Working on the weekends sucks because it feels like one of your weekend days was stolen. I want to be reimbursed AASD, I deserve one more weekend day.

Running out of computer charge, especially before a class where you know you’ll need your computer, is very scary. If you sit by an outlet in a class, understand how lucky you are to not be constantly checking the charge of your computer.