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The student news site of Appleton North High School


Welcome, new Livewire staff!

Next Noctiluca Livewire Live Broadcast is March 6th!
The student news site of Appleton North High School


Welcome, new Livewire staff!

Next Noctiluca Livewire Live Broadcast is March 6th!
The student news site of Appleton North High School


Welcome, new Livewire staff!

Next Noctiluca Livewire Live Broadcast is March 6th!
Sonia Tallroth

Sonia Tallroth, Photography Editor

Hello!  I’m Sonia Tallroth, the Photography Editor.  I’m a senior, and I’ve been contributing since my freshman year.  If I’m not snapping pictures for the Noctiluca, you’d probably find me in the music hallway playing the flute, piano, or alto saxophone.  I enjoy playing in the band, jazz band, and pit orchestra for the school’s musical. I also play lacrosse in the spring. I’m looking forward to being a part of the Noctiluca again – it’s going to be a great year!

All content by Sonia Tallroth