Teachers’ Pets Part II

Chiara Cole, Graphics Editor

No, not that kind of teacher’s pet. Today, we are looking at more of the adorable animals Appleton North teachers and staff have at home! 



  • Teacher: Mrs. Rietveld
  • Type: Rizzo is a persian kitten.
  • Pets’ characteristics: Mellow, a total lover.
  • Something that your pet does that makes you smile: Rizzo gives me neck massages.












  • Teacher: Mrs. Lucas
  • Type: Andouille is a wiener dog.
  • Pets’ characteristics: She is an excitable, jealous, stubborn, and a cuddly big sister.
  • Something that your pet does that makes you smile: 
  • Lately, she enjoys rolling on the ground with baby Auggie and eating dropped food from the high chair.














  • Teacher: Mrs. Zonick
  • Type: Lambeau is a dog.
  • Pets’ characteristics: He is a Golden Retriever and thinks he’s a lap dog.
  • Something that your pet does that makes you smile: He’s always so excited to go to bed when I go.













Lily Rae and Otis Walter

  • Teacher: Mr. and Mrs. Rudie
  • Type: They are dogs. (The cutest ones ever)
  • Pets’ characteristics: Lily Rae is extremely lazy and is somewhat of a mix of pig, yellow lab, and polar bear. She is food-motivated, grunts like a pig, and enjoys relaxing her 90 pound body on your lap. Otis Walter is high energy and is a basset hound, pitbull, corgi mix. A purebred mutt that loves to jump on pillows and steal food off of your plate. 
  • Something that your pet does that makes you smile: Otis Walter will sniff your face until you wake up in the morning. Lily Rae is extremely dopey-looking and just her face makes me smile










  • Teacher: Mrs. Bruch
  • Type: Gracie is a cat.
  • Pets’ characteristics: Playful and attentive! A lot of people think cats are aloof, but that is not true. 
  • Something that your pet does that makes you smile: No matter how long I’ve been goneone hour or eight hoursGracie will come running to the door to greet me when I get home. She also likes to play fetch and tag. 
















  • Teacher: Mrs. Budler-Ronzoni
  • Type: Gregor is a German Shepherd.
  • Pets’ characteristics: He is a very good boy who loves playing catch and barking at the Amazon guy.
  • Something that your pet does that makes you smile: He has a cute head turn when you ask him questions.  He loves to sneak onto the bed in the middle of the night to cuddle.














Millie and Bentley

  • Teacher: Mrs. Van Der Loop
  • Type: Millie and Bentley are dogs.
  • Pets’ characteristics: Millie is crazy energetic and incredibly snuggly, very affectionate; Bentley is loyal, HUNGRY, watchful, and a tad bit anxious.
  • Something that your pet does that makes you smile: The way they greet me when I come home is irreplaceable. They both are incredible snugglers and watching them explore outside is one of my favorite activities.












  • Teacher: Sra. Peterson
  • Type: Bella is a dog.
  • Pets’ characteristics: She is playful, loving, and smart.
  • Something that your pet does that makes you smile: Greets meet at the door when I get home, and she carries her leash when you are getting ready to take her on a walk.














After looking at all of these adorable pets, go vote for all of your favorite pets @northnoct.com

Part III will be in the next issue!