Interview with Ella Romberg


Nadia Tallroth

Ella Romberg co-captain of the Varsity Girls Swim Team, senior, athlete, and student. This considerate young woman takes on many roles as a member of Appleton North. With her kind heart and gentle spirit, Ella will make you feel welcome and a part of the team. Below, these questions dive deeper into the perspectives of what swimming truly means to her.

Why are you passionate about swimming?

I’ve been swimming for almost ten years now. The community of swimmers and the environment is what I love the most. It has been such a big part of my life and I’ve met so many great people through it.

As a captain, what role do you typically have in the pool and locker room?

We organize a lot of team bonding activities and I would say honestly, the most important role is to just make sure everyone is cheering for each other, encouraging newer swimmers, and making sure everyone feels included.

What do some of these team bonding events look like?

We had a tie dye party to tie dye our team t-shirts with lots of food and games, and it was a great way to get to know everyone and the new team this year!

Does the swim team have fun traditions that they do every practice/meet?

Before every meet, we have a pasta dinner that a family hosts at their house. The whole team comes and we fuel up for tomorrow’s meet!

Is there a coach or athlete that you look up to and why?

I would say our high school coach, Coach Jamie. She is so motivating and very passionate about swimming, which is inspiring.

What do you believe is the greatest challenge most athletes are facing today?

I believe stress and overworking is the greatest challenge especially for high school athletes. Balancing school, practices, and meets makes it hard to find any down time. Since there is so much going on, that can be difficult.

How do you motivate other players on the team, for example when the team is dispirited?

I encourage them to look at why they are here and what motivates each person. Everyone swims for a reason and looking at those reasons, such as loving to be in the water or loving to have a good time to help motivate you is perfect for difficult times.

At any mention of this team, there was always a contagious smile on Ella’s face. She shares her joy for this sport with others and is an inspiration to her fellow swimmers. It will be exciting to see what else she has in store for this driven team!