Humans of Appleton North: Alexandra Laux

September 14, 2016
“I was there [at the hospital] for a total of 48 days. Three times because I didn’t feel safe with myself, two because of attempts. They put you in hold, you’re held in a psych ward, then you get a court date. There is an awful stigma attached to reaching out. I was afraid to talk to people. There aren’t many opportunities at school to do that.”
How to get help:
Amy Lehr • Sep 15, 2016 at 3:54 pm
Everyday is a new day, so look to feel the best you can for that moment, minute,and day. Never feel alone or afraid to speekout, it’s is who you are and to know there are others who understand and are there to help you. Take time to just clear your mind with either yoga or meditation. Try to think about things that make you smile.
Even someone who doesn’t know you might get you and have an impact on you.
Be Inspired to try something you’ve never tried like painting and express your thoughts and feelings on paper or canvas.
I do sound therapy with tibetian bowls and have seen results in bad feelings and thoughts. Contact me for a free session.