Athletes of the Month: Annika Rossebo and Nick Smidt
Photo courtesy of Annika Rossebo
Annika Rossebo
October 26, 2016
Name: Annika Rossebo
Grade: Sophomore
Sport: Karate
- How did you get into karate?
I got into karate because my younger brother had started and I thought it might be fun so I joined too. I knew I wanted to continue after my first class.
- How often do you train for karate?
I train two to four times a week. Every three months I have to pass a test to move on to the next rank.
- What belt are you?
I am a second-degree black belt which required five years of training.
- Why do you do karate?
I do karate because it challenges me and is a unique sport. There are so many different things I have trained for, ranging from self-defense to forms, which is a complicated series of movements, to weapons such as nunchucks, kamas, and bo staff. We also learn how to spar which is fighting with some gear on. I have learned not only great martial arts skills but also a lot about goal setting and leadership.
- What is your personal goal for karate?
I am currently working towards my goal of earning my third-degree black belt, which requires three more years of training added onto the five for second-degree. After rigorous training every weekend for three months preceding my test, I will earn my third-degree black belt in the fall of 2018.
Name: Nick Smidt
Grade: Senior
Sport: Soccer
- How did you get involved in soccer?
I’ve been involved since I was four at the Appleton Soccer Club, and I’ve been playing ever since.
- What is your position that you play?
I play center defensive mid, which means that I run up and down the field to both attack as well as defend.
- What are some of your personal and team goals for soccer?
I have two major goals really, one of them personal and the other in regards to the team as a whole. My personal goal is to pass the ball around as much as possible and give them as many chances to score. As for my team goal, I believe we can win conference again as we did last year. Although we lost many starters last year, I believe we can do even better by playing as a team and including everybody to achieve a team win.
- What do you love most about soccer?
I think what I love most about soccer is that it is a continuous flowing game that leaves a lot of room for improvisation and unique team combinations, as well as plenty of opportunity for crazy plays and intense games.
- Why do you feel people should come to soccer games?
I believe you should come to soccer games because not only are they interesting and often intense games, but it’s also a great social event, and chances are, one of your friends are already there!
- Finish this sentence: At the end of the season, Appleton North Boys’ Soccer will be…
In the Wisconsin state playoffs. If we all have our heads in the right place and play as a team, we have a very good shot at making it to state.