Republicans: Post Election


Skye Iwanski and Brooke Densmore

With the results of the 2016 election came tears, joy, and fear. For the first time in a long time, people genuinely feared for their own safety as the result of a U.S. presidential election. Over the past weeks, social media has blown up with status updates bashing both candidates, not just the victorious. There were many Trump supporters who shared their relief, happiness, and opinions. Meanwhile, Clinton supporters expressed their horror, disgust, and desires to move to Canada.

We had the privilege to interview a senior student, Jack Heimral, on November 7th. We posed a series of questions to him, of which he very graciously answered. The questions and answers are paraphrased and quoted below:

Q: How are you doing today?


Q: I heard that you were able to go out and vote. Did you find it difficult? Was there anyone to assist?

It was pretty easy to find my polling place, yeah. At first the uncontested positions confused me because there was only one option on the ballot, but after that it was easy.

Q: Did you find that you had a straight ticket or a split one?


Q: If you don’t mind us asking, who did you vote for?

Straight republican.

Q: Do you view yourself as a particularly politically active student?

Not really, no.

Q: How do you feel about the outcome of the Tuesday election? What was going through your mind during it?

I guess the one thing that made me really think was how people were saying our country was completely split in half. There are a lot of terrible things going on in this country, and I hope with Trump’s election that will change. I wouldn’t necessarily be angry if Trump hadn’t won.

Q: Why is it important to you that your chosen candidate won/in your mind should have won?

“I’m a big supporter of the second amendment, and I feel as though it should remain how it is.”

Q: What about the candidate struck you the most by means of how he would be as a president? Specifically, why do you believe Mr. Trump will make a good president?

I remember at one of his rallies, he was threatened and then he was escorted off stage. He was dead calm, and I just thought, he’s not going to be a rash person that freaks out and runs [when things get rough]. He would be a steady presence in face of terror attacks. He would be calm and his rationality would help this country. I also watched his victory speech, and he spoke of unifying the country. Since we’re so divided right now, that’s a good thing to hear.

Q: Before this candidate was running, were you following them in politics at all?

No, not really. I read a CNN article that showed both Trump and Clinton’s policies and views, and I found that I agreed more with Trump than Clinton. I read both of their stances, and a couple articles about each of them. I chose who I agreed with most.

Q: It may be much too early to tell, but do you think that Mr. Trump has a chance of being re-elected?

It’s too early to tell. Right after the election there’s going to be a lot of negativity in our country, so who knows.

Q: Do you disagree with any of his policies?

People always say that he’s racist and sexist, and I disagree with that. Racism and sexism are wrong. It’s possible that it was blown out of proportion a little bit.

Q: What policies of his do you feel most strongly about?

I agree most with his opinion on the second amendment, along with some of the immigration laws. It’s not that we shouldn’t let people into this country, but we have so many people within the united states that are struggling, like you see homeless middle schoolers sometimes. I don’t know how we can help other countries in the state we are currently in. In my family hunting was a big part of growing up, which is a big part of why I support the second amendment. A lot of problems would be solved if everyone had a gun because criminals would be less likely to commit crimes if they knew there would be a good samaritan out there with a gun to stop them.

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to add?

No, thank you.