March Horoscopes

Nimrit Sodhi, Culture Editor

Whether you’re a firm believer in your horoscope, or you just read them for fun, horoscopes have always been a point of interest among those who come across them. I personally think they’re exciting to read, regardless of the validity behind them or not. Of course, I’m no expert, so take these summaries as you will and have a lovely month!

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

This month will be one for making rational decisions for you. Make sure to express how you feel throughout the month, but do so when you really need to. Even when extreme doubt crosses your mind, be sure to evaluate your thoughts and keep cool. Don’t forget to unplug this month and take some time to yourself. In addition, trust your gut this month more than ever, it’s usually right, and you have some big decisions coming your way. 

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

The month will be one where you look at the little things in life. Whether it’s little tasks, insecurities, or problems, pay attention to the little details that make the biggest difference. This month might also be one for new beginnings whether it’s in a relationship or professional standpoint. Take risks this month, and be sure to reevaluate everything that’s already happening. 

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This month will be one where you accomplish anything left undone in the past one. It’ll definitely be a stressful month, but depending on which routes you take, it can definitely pay off. Be sure to meditate or take a walk throughout the month when times get stressful to reprogram your mind for facing the next challenge. Also, make this a month to go into the root of your issues and pinpoint where things are going wrong. Remember to make this month count and be confident!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This month will be one for taking risks for you. Be assertive in your professional life but don’t forget to focus on your social life as well. Learn to advocate for yourself because nobody will as well as you do. Practice self-appreciation this month so you don’t get swept away by insecurities that may weigh on you a bit this month. In addition, clear out any dead weight in your life, whether it’s an unhealthy relationship or habit; get it out of the way so you can be your best self!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This month will be one in which you organize your work and professional life. Take time to unplug and take a step back at where your priorities lie. Change any self-pity and envy into ambition and get whatever your heart desires. If you’re able to find that work/social balance and meet your deadlines, it’ll definitely pay off in the long run. 

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This month will be one to stop living in the past and bring yourself into the present. It’s completely understandable to look back and enjoy the past, but remember you still must live in the present if you want to make your future bright. Criticism may bother you more this month than usual, but remember that not everything is to be taken personally. Be direct in what you feel this month, and be sure to communicate because it’ll make your own life easier. 

Leo (July 23- August 22)

This month will be one to crack down on professionally. Whether it’s in school or your job, be sure to keep moving forward, even when those around you are slowing down. You might also realize that internal issues might be holding you back even more than external ones, so try to figure those out as well. In addition, get ready to meet new people and listen to new ideas because they’re definitely coming your way. Remember to continue to treat yourself even when your climbing high to achieve your goals!

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

This month will be one for you to relax in. Let go of past stress and long hours and take some time for yourself to evaluate why you’re doing what you’re doing. Embrace the surge of confidence that’s coming your way but make sure not to accidentally turn that self-assurance into criticism. Lock things down that are positive aspects of your life and relax this month!

Libra (September 23-October 22)

This month will be one for you to get things done that you’ve been putting off. Remember to place boundaries in your life in all aspects and put yourself in other people’s shoes for an extreme reality check. Let the people around you know how much you care because chances are that they’re your roots. Keep your priorities straight this month and tie up all of your unfinished ends from the past month. 

Scorpio (October 23- November 21)

This month won’t be anything life-changing, to be quite frank. Keep your cool this month and don’t take anything too personally. Get to the root of your stress and figure that out as well as keep a good grip on your professional life so you don’t fall behind. Reflect on your relationships and emotions throughout this month to prepare to be more fulfilled in the coming ones.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

This month will be one to relax from your hardworking February. You might feel a bit anxious this month, so don’t hesitate to rely on those around you for advice. This month may be one in which you get ahead of yourself, so remember to see the reality in front of you, rather than just focusing on your dreams. Let go of toxic elements of your life and focus on self progression. 

Capricorn (December 22- January 19)

This month will be one for being outgoing! Plan more events with friends and don’t be afraid to meet new people. Form new habits and ideas, and broaden your understanding of the world. Overall, just be yourself this month and have a good time!