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The student news site of Appleton North High School


Do you want to be notified whenever a new Noctiluca issues is published? Join our email list by navigating to the 'Email List' drop-down menu
The student news site of Appleton North High School


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Aurora Smith

Aurora Smith, Advertising Director

Hey! My name is Aurora Smith and I am the Advertising Director for the Noctiluca. I love talking to people about interesting stuff, listening to music, reading, spending time with my friends, and backpacking! Besides being involved in the Noctiluca, I’m also the poetry editor for Appleton North’s literary magazine, ANHS forensics social media coordinator, a leader of fox cities youth in government, communications director for national youth extinction rebellion, and more!
All content by Aurora Smith
Advice for the Freshmen

Advice for the Freshmen

Aurora Smith, Junior Editor In Chief
September 3, 2023


Aurora Smith, Junior Editor-in-Chief
May 24, 2023
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