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The student news site of Appleton North High School


Welcome, new Livewire staff!

Next Noctiluca Livewire Live Broadcast is March 6th!
The student news site of Appleton North High School


Welcome, new Livewire staff!

Next Noctiluca Livewire Live Broadcast is March 6th!
The student news site of Appleton North High School


Welcome, new Livewire staff!

Next Noctiluca Livewire Live Broadcast is March 6th!
Sofia Voet

Sofia Voet, Photography Editor

Hello, my name is Sofia Voet, I am a senior, and for the second year in a row, I am the Photography Editor for the Noctiluca. I enjoy taking photos (obviously), writing, learning new languages, and making it home in time from my part-time job to watch How To Get Away With Murder. I am also part of various clubs, which I enjoy very much, such as Alliance, Key Club, and Drama Club. If you know how to push buttons and aim things, you should really consider taking photos for the Noctiluca, you won’t regret it.

All content by Sofia Voet