Lydia Albers, a sophomore here at Appleton North High School, has created a program that rents instruments through the library to students who request them.
Lydia says her goal is to provide instruments and music materials to anyone, “even if they do not take music classes.” The program will start small, with instruments like a ukulele or guitar and training books, with the hopes of expanding that repertoire later into the school year. Albers started working on this project for her Girl Scouts troop as a requirement that must be completed before she can achieve her Gold Award, the highest honor in Scouts.
“I hope that this program can help students with their mental health, as well as learning something new!” says Lydia.
How can you participate? As of the writing of this article, the program is still sifting through logistics but will be up and running as soon as possible. The AASD has to process the books and instruments into their system so that students are able to check out their items. However, once the program is up and running, go down to the LMC and check out whichever materials you desire.