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The student news site of Appleton North High School


Welcome, new Livewire staff!

Next Noctiluca Livewire Live Broadcast is March 6th!
The student news site of Appleton North High School


Welcome, new Livewire staff!

Next Noctiluca Livewire Live Broadcast is March 6th!
The student news site of Appleton North High School


Welcome, new Livewire staff!

Next Noctiluca Livewire Live Broadcast is March 6th!
Mickayla George

Mickayla George, Contributor

Hey there! I am Mickayla. I am a junior at North, this is my first year contributing to the newspapers along with having journalism as a class. When I am not in school you will find me taking photography of nature, shoes and my dogs. I am a highly creative person, I color my hair as one way to express my creativity despite my hair being blue, blue is not my favorite color, my favorite color changes all the time. Besides photography I  love writing, drawing, and blasting load music until I can no longer hear. That being said I love live music and going to concerts, I love how live music is so loud that you can feel the music running through your veins. I love listening to music while I write it helps me concentrate and think better.  I can’t wait to write more this year especially with having journalism as a class.

All content by Mickayla George