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The student news site of Appleton North High School


Welcome, new Livewire staff!

Next Noctiluca Livewire Live Broadcast is March 6th!
The student news site of Appleton North High School


Welcome, new Livewire staff!

Next Noctiluca Livewire Live Broadcast is March 6th!
The student news site of Appleton North High School


Welcome, new Livewire staff!

Next Noctiluca Livewire Live Broadcast is March 6th!
Jack Heimerl

Jack Heimerl, Contributor

Hi, my name is Jack Heimerl, I’m a senior at Appleton North, and this is my first year being a part of The Noctiluca. I just wish I had joined it sooner. I have enjoyed covering sporting events and telling stories about my friends because I feel people are missing out on some great friends they could make here at North. In my four years at North, I have done quite a bit from playing football to playing in North’s Jazz 1. Music has become a big part of my life in the past four years I have been involved with Lawrence Wind Ensemble every year of high school now also taking private lessons on trombone and piano. I am also a part of the Green Bay Youth Orchestra for two years now. Music is a part of my everyday life, and I don’t see it leaving anytime soon.

All content by Jack Heimerl