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The student news site of Appleton North High School


Welcome, new Livewire staff!

Next Noctiluca Livewire Live Broadcast is March 6th!
The student news site of Appleton North High School


Welcome, new Livewire staff!

Next Noctiluca Livewire Live Broadcast is March 6th!
The student news site of Appleton North High School


Welcome, new Livewire staff!

Next Noctiluca Livewire Live Broadcast is March 6th!
Jacob Zajkowski

Jacob Zajkowski, Junior Editor in Chief

Hey! My name is Jake Zajkowski, and I am the Junior Editor in Chief this year. I am a sophomore at North, and this is my second year involved in the Noctiluca. I am also part of the Journalism class here at North. I help anywhere I can in the paper and keep things running smoothly. Outside of school, I can be found writing stories, drawing eyes, playing games with my friends, or working at Jersey Bagel.

All content by Jacob Zajkowski