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Maddie Clark, Social Media Editor
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Hi sisters and welcome back to my staff bio! My name is Maddie Clark and I am the editor of all things social media for the Noctiluca. When I’m not posting for Noct on social media, I’m probably taking multiple selfies, speed reading through a book or two, writing my very incomplete novel, binge-watching Shane Dawson’s YouTube videos, stressing over AP homework, or catching up on the latest celebrity drama. I’m a swimmer for North’s girls’ swim team and the Big Pigeons Swim Club. Additionally, I am apart of the National Honors Society, International Club, and K-Club. You can usually find me in the pub lab yelling at Sarah Fleming for who knows what. Please shmash that follow button on Noct’s iInstagram@northnoct and the friend button on Snapchat @northnoctiluca.